Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bikini Baristas Brewing In Washington

(MYFOX NATIONAL) - The battle over bikini baristas is percolating in another Washington town. At the center of the controversy is a coffee shop called Knotty Bodies that recently opened for business in Bellevue. Residents in the neighborhood are not happy about it.

"I think it's inappropriate and I think it's wrong for this location with all the schools and all the playgrounds," said Bonnie Ward who lives in the neighborhood.

At this coffee shop, the baristas wear bikinis or lingerie. They have said that under no circumstances are they allowed to completely uncover the top or bottom of their bodies. But there is that fear that the behavior will escalate to what happened in Everett -- naked girls and charges of prostitution .

"We're definitely not anything like [the shop in Everett]. We have stricter dress codes. We don't wear pasties. I feel it's less risque," said one barista from the shop.

"I think it's the perfect way to end the day with a beautiful girl making your coffee. Period. And it's my business," said customer Dave Hernandez.

Aside from the fact that it sits at a very busy intersection, many parents are upset that it is also right next door to a water park and playground for children.

"Many people would try to say I'm trying to push my morals on everyone else. [But] they're pushing their morals on my kids because they have to see this. They are walking by it every day," said Erin Egbert, a mother.

Monday night at a Bellevue city council meeting, about 125 people came to demand action. They got good news and bad news. The Knotty Bodies' land-use permit does not allow the business to have a drive-thru because there isn't enough room, so it must stop drive-thru operations immediately.

But there are no ordinances or entertainment codes in Bellevue that make businesses such as these illegal. Opponents though said they will fight to change the law.

"You guys have a great opportunity. You know you want to regulate adult coffee stands. That's what we're talking about. Let's do it," said one person at the meeting.

The trend for these coffee shops continues, though. Perky Cups in Aurora, Colo., recently opened and is the first in the metro Denver area...

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