Wednesday, November 25, 2009

CoSIC, the pan-European Coffee Science Information Centre, was established in the UK in 1990 by ISIC

During the last two decades there has been an increase in consumer awareness of diet-related health issues and as a result of this trend many popular foods and drinks have come under scrutiny, including coffee. CoSIC was set up to work with independent scientists to develop factual overviews of the large, and often conflicting, volume of data concerning coffee and its effects on health.

Through the collection of experimental data and contact with researchers, CoSIC assesses all the on-going and past medical research on coffee and caffeine being undertaken around the world. It maintains and regularly updates a scientific database that now comprises thousands of published research studies.

The aim of CoSIC is to provide accurate, balanced and consistent information to all audiences across Europe who have an interest in coffee, caffeine and health. The primary objective is to bring balance to the coffee and health debate.

This Web site covers only those medical conditions for which there are published scientific data available. It does not comment on unsubstantiated links between coffee and health for which there have been no properly conducted and published trials, nor where it is a question of individual sensitivity to caffeine, which varies considerably.

CoSIC operates from Worcestershire, in the United Kingdom, where a team is responsible for all scientific resource. The network itself consists of National Operators in twenty countries throughout Europe who provide information on coffee and health within their own country.

CoSIC is funded by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, which is made up of senior executives from major EU food manufacturers. (Kraft, Nestle, Sara Lee, Paulig, Tchibo, Illycaffe & Lavazza)

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